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ATEX - spol. s r.o.

Main partners

Outward Bound - Česká cesta, spol. s r.o.
Hoch a synové 1899, s.r.o.

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Český rozhlas Dvojka


Středočeský kraj FAKEER
FORBIKES Betonové ploty kulka
Chata Cihelny

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Český svaz koloběhu
IKSA Deutscher Tretroller Verband
Nederlandse Autoped Federatie AFTS
AVIS Monopattino

Tommorrow we go - 27.06. 2013

Dear friends, colleagues, partners,

it is coming. Many years after Vasek´s first idea, three years from the final decision, with hundreds hours of work and thousands kilometers in our legs, we are ready. The KICK YOUR LIFE, KICK FRANCE 2013 – Tour de France by Footbike team is ready to go.

Just reaching this point is, in my eyes, big success. It has cost us many years of hard work on preparations. Everyone of us has left a big portion of his life in the project preparations, that of course was possible just with big portion of understanding and support of people around us. We hereby thank a lot for support and patience to our families, girlfriends, friends and of course the project partners – without you guys and girls we could not have reached this point – the starting line ...

There are three weeks on the French roads ahead of us. We all are thinking about what awaits us, but none of us could even imagine, what is going to happen on the track of 3479km. That journey have absolved thousand of cyclists in last hundred years. It has given name to many legends of the cycling sport, that were born in sharp Alpine and Pyrenean climbs and unbelievable solo escapes. Thousands of many time no name cyclists has been battling wind, rain snow and burning temperatures, most of them with the only goal – Arc de Triumph, Champs Élysées, Paris.

That is also our destiny. Just the opportunity to be a small part of a big game is something we could have been just dreaming about in previous years - now it becomes a reality. The project is so crazy, that no one of us is certain, if it is really possible to make it to Paris. And that is all about...

On Friday June 28th 2013 we kick first meters of Tour de France 2013. There is some portion of nervousness, bit of worries and big piece of motivation in each one of us. We all are ready battle as long as possible to make the dream come true. We all are together in the game, all for one and one for all. UNITED WE STAND. DIVIDED WE FALL.

Thanks a lot once more for great support to all, follow us, stay with us and keep your fingers cross. We would need it for sure.





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clark david | 06.03. 2017 03:29

This is real take it serious, who will believe that a herb can cure herpes virus, i never believe that this will work i have spend a lot when getting drugs from the hospital to keep me healthy, what i was waiting for is death because i was broke, one day i hard about this great man who is well know of cancer and STD cure, i decided to email him, unknowingly to me that this will be the end of the herpes in my body, he prepare the herbs for me, and give me instruction on how to take it, at the end of the one month, he told me to go to the hospital for a check up, and i went, surprisingly after the test the doctor confirm me negative, i thought it was a joke, i went to other hospital was also negative, then i took my friend who was also suffering from herpes to the Dr EMUA, after the treatment she was also confirm herpes free . He also have the herbs to cure many deadly disease. please i want every one with this virus to be free, that is why am dropping his email address of this great herbal healer { or call him or add him on whats-app +234706362817) thank you for saving my life, and I promise I will always testify of your good works.

紅蜘蛛 | 29.03. 2016 10:03

威哥王: 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 巨人倍増: 威哥王: 威哥王: 催淫剤: 催淫薬: 中絶薬: 妊娠中絶薬: 五夜神: 三便宝: 蟻力神: 三體牛鞭: 勃動力三體牛鞭: 五便宝: VigRx: 三体牛鞭: ビグレックス: 徳国黒金: 蔵秘男宝: 中華牛鞭: 蔵秘男宝: 男宝: ナンパオ: 好漢哥: 三鞭粒: 魔根: 壮三天: 女性用精力剤: 女性用媚薬: 女性媚薬: http://紅蜘蛛 紅蜘蛛 花痴: 紅蜘蛛: 妖姫: 媚薬通販: 催淫カプセル: 淫インモラル: D10媚薬: D10催情剤: 催情%A

Vyetrhy | 23.09. 2013 06:43

If you opt to engage in oral sex wutohit the use of protection, you should understand that the risk of transmitting HIV increases for the person performing the act if there is presence of an open wound or sores in the oral cavity. If ejaculation occurs in the mouth, the person performing the oral act is at greatest risk of contracting any kind of sexually transmitted disease that the individual receiving felatio has and is of a high risk for infection. When it comes to oral sex, the biggest risk taker for HIV transference is for the person performing the act. Clinically speaking, unless the candidate has generous amounts of blood and excretion in her/his mouth the receptive partner is unlikely to contract the disease. [url=]xmxpctfcq[/url] [link=]kpxrhpsynr[/link]

Open | 20.09. 2013 19:34

He did NOT tell you which type of herpes he has, so let's go down the line.A <a href="">prriamy</a> outbreak of herpes generally occurs anywhere from 2-31 days following exposure to the virus. Therefore, he needs to also re-examine any relations he had PRIOR to sleeping with you. His infection ALSO could have come from oral sex with a previous partner who had HSV-1 (oral herpes/cold sores) and having the cold sore virus transmitted to his genitals.HSV-2 (genital herpes) is a different type of the herpes virus, and the two types are distinguishable via appropriate tests (NOT the IgM!).Ask him what test he had. -IF it was the IgM, they are notorious for giving false positive/false negative readings and cannot tell you accurately which TYPE of virus you have HSV-1/HSV-2. They also confuse antibodies from chickenpox, Epstein-Barr, and mono with the HSV-1/HSV-2 .-IF it was a viral swab taken 24-48 hours of the outbreak, then it is pretty reliable. ASK!-IF he was diagnosed by a doctor's visual exam, not reliable! They are notoriously bad at detecting herpes by sight.Antibodies to the herpes virus typically do NOT show up for 2 weeks-4 months following exposure to the virus. THAT means, if he took the IgG blood test and you were his last partner there is NO WAY his blood test would have shown he was infected with herpes within days of his exposure to the virus. Generally, only a test taken 3 months after exposure to the virus will be reliable.From what you are saying here, it is doubtful that you gave him the virus he needs to examine previous partners and sexual activities.I'm including a link to the Herpes Handbook produced by one of the best STD clinics in the country. NOT spam, totally free, and it will certainly give you LOTS of information to dispute this accusation with your partner!

Ramakanth | 20.09. 2013 11:42

If it actually was oral hreeps that you had If your boyfriend already has oral cold sores himself, he should be ok. They provides you with a lot of protection agaisnt catching the same virus genitally. But obviously, avoid giving oral sex if you actually have a cold sore. If it is over 4 days and he has no symptoms, I would say he has nothing to worry about.As for how common the standard answer is that in the absence of a prior oral infection, it is very common, but with a prior oral infection, (which 8 in 10 people have) the risk is very low. Almost all cases of genital hsv-1 (the virus that is usually responsible for oral cold sores) occur in people who have never been infected with the virus orally. If someone didn't have cold sores, there is a chance they can catch it even if you don't have a cold sore when you give them oral and if you actually have an active cold sore, they don't really have much chance of not catching it. I caught genital hreeps through receiving oral sex from a partner that got cold sores, but he didn't have one at the time he gave me oral, so we thought it was safe. Turns out there is still a risk.BTW, if it wasn't a blister with a clear fluid in it, but was pimple like, I'd say it wasn't caused by oral hreeps and you just had a pimple. Google for pictures of oral hreeps. The blisters are quite distinctive. [url=]dcploajyk[/url] [link=]qnzaiqdd[/link]

YulHie | 20.09. 2013 11:01

As far as I know from my own experience, the secnod time around isn't as painful as the first time (the first time called primary infection). Herpes virus live in spinal cord and when the person's immune system goes down, it attacks to the body usually the same spot of the primary infection but time to time, it travels to other places around that area or other parts of the body skin.Itching, burning, tingling feelings. Early singns aren't always happening before blisters appears. Sometimes, virus are active on the skin without having lesion or symptoms. Herpes aren't curable but can reduced the frequent outbreak by taking antiviral medication such as acyclovir or valtrex. The secnod time around genital herpes may not be as painful as primary infection. Sometimes, uncomfortable means early symptoms of HSV2 but not yet appear as blisters. When i was in Michigan, the doctor told me to break these blisters and apply oilment like Neosprine and the healing time is faster but to break the blisters, you have to be careful since the fluid contains virus, make sure it doesn't touch to other skin. Use extra care with gloves or something like that if you can are able to reach the blisters and want to break those. There are herpes medication cream too but it doesn't really help me much personally and from doctor's word, it isn't as strong as oral taking medicine. Some doctors will prescirbe herpes medicine for years, once a day. but my ob/gyn told me not to take it everyday. It isn't good for liver and kidneys. the best way is that when it outbreak, take 2 pills of 500mg valtrex for 3 times a day. The outbreak will be weaker and disappear in 2-3 days by this way. I do not know about BV but about herpes, pls visit to the following links. [url=]yavcffq[/url] [link=]czoxtsyi[/link]

Abu | 20.09. 2013 05:11

He did NOT tell you which type of herpes he has, so let's go down the line.A <a href="">priramy</a> outbreak of herpes generally occurs anywhere from 2-31 days following exposure to the virus. Therefore, he needs to also re-examine any relations he had PRIOR to sleeping with you. His infection ALSO could have come from oral sex with a previous partner who had HSV-1 (oral herpes/cold sores) and having the cold sore virus transmitted to his genitals.HSV-2 (genital herpes) is a different type of the herpes virus, and the two types are distinguishable via appropriate tests (NOT the IgM!).Ask him what test he had. -IF it was the IgM, they are notorious for giving false positive/false negative readings and cannot tell you accurately which TYPE of virus you have HSV-1/HSV-2. They also confuse antibodies from chickenpox, Epstein-Barr, and mono with the HSV-1/HSV-2 .-IF it was a viral swab taken 24-48 hours of the outbreak, then it is pretty reliable. ASK!-IF he was diagnosed by a doctor's visual exam, not reliable! They are notoriously bad at detecting herpes by sight.Antibodies to the herpes virus typically do NOT show up for 2 weeks-4 months following exposure to the virus. THAT means, if he took the IgG blood test and you were his last partner there is NO WAY his blood test would have shown he was infected with herpes within days of his exposure to the virus. Generally, only a test taken 3 months after exposure to the virus will be reliable.From what you are saying here, it is doubtful that you gave him the virus he needs to examine previous partners and sexual activities.I'm including a link to the Herpes Handbook produced by one of the best STD clinics in the country. NOT spam, totally free, and it will certainly give you LOTS of information to dispute this accusation with your partner!

Kathia | 19.09. 2013 23:50

you have genital <a href="">hereps</a> doesnt mean it HSV2 and not 1. Your not dirty you can still touch yourself and you can still touch him. Soap kills the virus on contact so you dont need to worrie about that. Just wash your hands after you go to the bathroom every time and if you touch yourself durring sex or on your own just wash your hands after. If you caught this from you b/f then rite now he is not at risk of getting it oraly, you can only get it once in one place, but you on the other hand still are at risk for a while, untill your body builds up some anti bodies for it, about 6 months. after that your not at risk of getting it oraly, but thats only if you both have the same strain of the virus. So if you have HSV2 on your genitals you cant get it oraly but you can still get HSV1 oraly. They are not the same virus, they are 2 different viruses, and yes you can catch both of them but HSV2 does not change into HSV1 if you get it oraly. Same with HSV1 it does not change into HSV2 if you have it on your genitals. Some people think they are the same virus but they are not. Valtex is a very good anti virul. I dont use it. If your outbreaks are bad and your getting alot of them then take it, Mine are not bad and I dont get them very often so I dont take it. Its all depends on how often and how bad they are. Dont be so depressed about it. I know its hard, been there, but its not as bad as you think. The longer you have this the better it gets. Over time you wont get as many outbreaks and they wont be as bad. It will start to feel like it a normal part of your life. In the future though if you change partners always do the right thing and tell them before anything happens. You will find that you get to know people better before you tell them, and they dont really think its a big deal. Good Luck, it does get better.

Elsa | 19.09. 2013 13:03

I think there is a big stigma about it becusae it's the genital area which is kind of a hush hush area to begin with, and becusae it's a private area for that person and anyone they have sex with.I think people see genital herpes and automatically think STD and that the person must have slept around and is dirty (which is not true at all). Yes, it is a STD, but that doesn't mean the person slept with 100s of people. All it takes is having sex with ONE person to get genital herpes (or any STD for that matter). I personally think it is one of the better STDs out there. Of course having no STDs is the best, but genital herpes is nothing compared to other STDs out there! It's not deadly, it doesn't cause cancer, it won't cause infertility or sterility, and it doesn't cause PID and ectopic pregnancies. The sores can be VERY painful, don't get me wrong, but they heal! I have had genital herpes for 7 years and although it hasn't been a walk in the park, it certainly hasn't ruined my life like some people like to think. I have had several, healthy, great, relationships including a 4 year relationship with a man who never even contracted the virus from me, and my current relationship with my fiance of 2 years. I have a wonderful life, with a great family and friends and I couldn't be happier. People just like to be judgmental, plain and simple. If they would take the time to educate themselves about the virus or even get to know someone who has it I'm sure they would be more open and more accepting about it. Take care!

Naresh | 19.09. 2013 08:59

yes you can if you have an outbreak just<a href=""> bfecreaul</a> when you do have oral sex and they say that there is like a short time period like onece a year when the skin in your mouth sheds and you maybe able to pass it on even with no ever there are ways to supress the virus by lke having a healthy immune can take medication or that a doctor must perscribe of just try to be as healthy as possible so that you will no have an outbreak the herpes type one is common..people who dont think that they have it can still have it without knowing because they donot have any symptoms..there are people who just never break is different for everyone and i believe its based in your immune system i am no professional..i am just trying to get my college degree right now in i am just tellin you the basic knowledge that i am aware of right now..but the best thing i suggest is get tested and speak to a doctor>>goodluck!

Korino | 18.09. 2013 17:36

Firstly, herpes is trsnamitted through skin to skin contact rather than bodily fluids.Secondly, though you CAN transfer your own herpes virus to another part of your own body, it is actually highly unlikely.Reinfecting yourself on another part of your own body is known as auto-inoculation. It can happen during the first three months of having a new herpes infection, but after that is actually pretty rare.This is because when you catch herpes you start producing antibodies to the virus, which fight off the virus if it tries to attack you in another location. When you first catch herpes, you haven't yet produced these antibodies, so you can catch it in a second place. After a while, the antibodies you start to produce make this highly unlikely. When auto-inoculation happens, it nearly always happens to people who have just caught herpes. This is why, despite 80% of adults having oral herpes, is is pretty uncommon to have ocular (eye) herpes, or herpes whitlow (herpes of the finger/nailbed). [url=]mrowqnfmqk[/url] [link=]oawriusdml[/link]

Abamss | 17.09. 2013 17:12

Yes.. Herpes can lay dormant for years! many peolpe have the herpes virus do not even know they have it. You could of contracted herpes from either of your BF's. herpes sores just has not shown up yet. Just get them on the meds too. I take Zovirax for herpes prevention and my BY uses Valtrex. We both get them online at HerpesRxFAST. com.. They are great and the prices ROCK! good luck dear

Kristina | 17.09. 2013 12:57

Katarina, I really think that you may find a<a href=""> cesehe</a> that'll do OK. It has to be a semi hard<a href=""> cesehe</a>, Edam does good but frankly I like a Provolone. I am sure you can find it somewhere in England, as it's a typical in many Italian dishes, etc, and there are Italian' delicatessen shops in England. I go and ask to make me a slices about 1/2 inch (none of that packaged thing slices).The way to do it without running. Heat the oil on a high temp (vegetarian oil like canola in the US, is better than olive oil, if you use olive oil use the regular not virgin oil, as it can be heated to much higher degree, but vegie oils are even better for a higher temp without burning and catching on fire.) Use more oil than you would say to sear the meat. Cheese should be submerged in oil, don't worry it's even healthier that just baking it dry. If you don't submerge it in oil, a bottom of<a href=""> cesehe</a> piece will get heated fast but the top of it will not, it'll just melt and run. When submerged, it'll create the crust around the whole piece without running.Now if you use less oil, you still can do it, but you better be fast at turning it over and get the heat to the other side, to evenly distribute the heat while closing the crust.Yes, the<a href=""> cesehe</a> is tricky, unlike the meat, it'll run when not fried properly. v

Chachou | 16.09. 2013 12:25

Podle toho, jak jste mi vypre1věli, že oslava byla bujare1, tak ty fotečky jste dělali na zače1tku, že? Moc pěkne9, určitě sem vložte dalšed fotečky, ať mohu ste1le špehovat a kohcat se.

Erwin Borremans | 27.06. 2013 22:24

Good luck kickbikers from Finland! Go boys go boys goooo allez allez allez :)))) !Hope everything works out just fine. We keep fingers crossed. Just kick and enjoy it!!!

Iv*Fox | 27.06. 2013 13:15

Ahoj "žluťásci",asi vám tak budu říkat,jsem napnutá jak kšandy a zvědavá,jak se první den zadaří.Myslím na vás a posílám velkou pusu pro štěstí mamča L.
